8 Website Design Stats You Must Know in 2021


In 2021, the market has completely gone digital. Even small businesses want a digital presence to keep up with the trends.

Websites are one of the most popular ways to create an online presence. Which allows your customers to engage with your brand and give them the comfort to avail of your services from home. But web design can be tedious, especially if you don’t have any prior practice.

One option is to hire the best web design company if you have the budget for it, if the budget is limited and you want to design your site, here are some stats so you know what to avoid and what leads to success.

1. A bad user experience made 89% of consumers choose a competitor’s site

A well-designed, beautiful site will completely go to waste if the user is unable to navigate and buy what they want with ease. So, you need to make sure your design is functional and attractive.

2. Your site’s web design is directly associated with 94% of First impressions

Like the saying “First Impressions, Last Forever” your website should create a lasting first impression as that will tell if the user will stick around and return to your site. You can easily do this by designing your site for beauty and adding engaging content for users.

3. Design is responsible for 75% of website credibility

Credibility is crucial for any business. Your site should not be poorly designed or cluttered as it creates a dishonest image in the user’s mind.

As the internet is massive, many scams and cons are running online, you don’t want your site to falsely fall into the same category.

4. Mobile-Friendly websites enabled a potential return for 74% of users

Building a mobile-friendly website should be a top priority for you. Over 50% of web traffic is from mobile users worldwide. Having a mobile-friendly website increases the chances of users make a potential return

5. $2.6 billion is lost every year due to slow-loading websites

I know it’s hard to believe but the numbers are right, 2 billion dollars are lost every year due to slow websites.

A slow-loading website is the worst thing, your website’s loading speeds should be fast as users hate to wait for web pages to load

6. Averagely, 69% of the content is never viewed by users

Your design needs to showcase most of the important and engaging content on the landing page as most users don’t even navigate through the entire website.You should carefully plan before designing to make the website easily navigable and organized.

7. Basic factors that drive a purchase online

You need to know what 5 factors drive a user to purchase a commodity or service online.

Cheap pricing is one popular factor as it will give you an edge over the competition, a price comparison tool is an added advantage for such a situation, so your users can easily compare prices and choose the affordable option.

Product availability, sales/discounts, Free Shipping, and product specs are the other four. Make sure they’re easy to find on your website.

8. Pages with videos retain users for 88% more time

Images and Videos have a lasting effect on the user’s mind and retain their attention for a longer time. Your design needs to integrate relevant videos into your website.


These stats give you a keen insight into what pitfalls should be avoided and how your website should be designed to drive more traffic and sales from consumers. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

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